Senin, 25 April 2011

Mosquito life cycle

Mosquito life cycle
Mosquitoes from egg to become adult mosquitoes, each with insects the experience level (stadium) different. In the life cycle mosquitoes, there are four stages with three stages of developing in water from one stage smoking in the nature of life:
1. Adult mosquitoes
Male and adult female mosquitoes ratio 1: 1, male mosquitoes out first from the chrysalis, a new female mosquitoes was followed, and male mosquitoes it will stay near the nest, until the female mosquitoes out of the chrysalis, when females come out, then the male mosquito will direct females marry before seeking blood. During his only female mosquitoes once married. In the development of eggs depends on several factors such as temperature and humidity as well as species of mosquitoes.
2. Mosquito eggs
Mosquitoes usually lay eggs in watery places, the places being dried egg will be damaged and die. The habit of putting eggs mosquitoes vary depending on the type.
-Anopheles mosquito will lay its eggs on the water one by one or clustered but disjoint, the egg of Anopheles has a buoyancy device.
-Culex mosquitoes will lay eggs above the water surface clustered shaped and united to be able to float a raft.
-Aedes mosquito lays eggs and attached to a float on the water or stick to the surfaces where the water is at the limit surface water and place. Meanwhile, mosquitoes Mansonia eggs put attached to water plants, and placed in a clustered shaped wreath. Egg stage takes 1 -2 days.
3. Wiggler
In the larva stage of development, including growth and complement the feathers, larva stage takes one week. Larva growth influenced by temperature, nutrients, absence of predatory animals.
4. Chrysalis
Is the last stage of a mosquito that was in the water, on stage this requires food and happen to be flying-wing formation, pupa stage takes approximately 1 -2 days.

A. Breeding grounds (Breeding Places)
In the breeding of mosquitoes always needs three kinds of places the breeding grounds (breeding Places), a place to get bait / blood (feeding Places) and a place to rest (resting Places).
Places breeding of mosquitoes have different type, such as Culex can developed in any place of water, whereas Aedes can only breed in water that is clean enough and no foundation was the direct soil,Mansonia happy reproduce in ponds, swamps lakes and many water plants.
Places Anopeheles breeding range, according to the type anopheles as follows:
1. Sundaicus Anopheles, Anopheles vagus happy clan subpictus breed in brackish water.
2. The place that gets direct sunlight groove Anopheles sundaicus, mucaltus in Anopheles breeding.
3. Breeding places are shielded from sunlight groove Anopheles vagus, Anopheles barbumrosis to reproduce.
4. Water does not flow very loved by Anopheles vagus, indefinitus, leucosphirus for breeding places.
5. Calm water or a little rice is very unpopular flow like Anopheles acunitus, vagus, barbirotus, anullaris to reproduce.

B. Biting
Time liveliness to find blood from each different mosquito, active mosquitoes bite at night, is the Anopheles and Culex while the mosquitoes are active during the daytime biting Aedes. Especially for Anopheles, the mosquito bites have this in case if the behavior was ready to bite directly out of the house. In general, mosquitoes that suck blood are female mosquitoes.

C. Places to rest (resting Places)
Usually after the female mosquitoes bite people / animals, mosquitoes are will rest for 2 -3 days, for example on the inside of the house while outside the house like a cave, hole moist, dark places etc. Is a favored place for rest mosquitoes.

D. Bionomik mosquitoes (life habits)
Bionomik very important to know the activities of eradication measures for example in the eradication of mosquitoes with our insectisida impossible implement it, if we do not yet know the habits of mosquitoes, especially the vector of a disease. In essence insects as living things have diverse habits, as for the need known for the eradication / control example:
a. Associated with mating habits / feeding, and length of life.
b. Activity habits at night, and the velocity of a bite.
c. Habits outside the home and took refuge in the house.
d. The habit of choosing prey.
e. Habits related to climate, temperature, humidity etc.
f. Habits in the home or outside the home associated with usage.


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